The Best Way to Remove Bugs on Your Trucks

The Best Way to Remove Bugs on Your Trucks

I Hate Bugs, How About You? Birds love bugs, flowers love bugs, truck drivers hate bugs and the people that wash trucks hate bugs even more. They die in a splatter, the first one usually in a driver’s direct line of sight.  Soon the swarms follow, replacing shiny...
5 Graduation Party Hacks

5 Graduation Party Hacks

School’s Out For Summer! When Alice Cooper released “Schools Out” in 1972 it immediately became the last day of school anthem for kids across the U.S. and still remains one those quintessential songs of summer.  And although the kids have summer on their minds, their...
It’s Flood Season; Are You Prepared?

It’s Flood Season; Are You Prepared?

It would be an understatement to say that so far this year weather incidents including tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes has been one for the record books. The good news is, depending on where you live the likelihood of you experiencing one of these horrific events...