Your fleet is not just a means of transportation, but also your brand ambassador. A neat, clean, and well-maintained fleet would help increase your revenues and your brand image.

The more reliable your services, the more people would trust your brand. This will increase your customer base. Here, regular fleet washing is one of the best ways of maintaining your fleet and ensuring it is the most dependable one around. 

Conversely, not having your fleet washed would lead to many issues that will translate into a loss of revenue in the long run. Let’s take a quick look at some of the many problems you will have to face if you don’t get your fleet washed and maintained properly.

1.     Persistent Breakdowns

A dirty engine bay can hide a lot. If it is matted with grease and dirt, the odds are your technicians won’t be able to find anything wrong. The result: a breakdown on the road!

You will be forced to scramble your tow trucks and recovery teams, perhaps even in the middle of the night to rescue your stranded truck and crew. Apart from all the unnecessary expenses, your vehicle would be out of circulation and sitting in the garage instead of being out on the road.

All of this translates into lesser revenue and faster depreciation. After all, unreliable vehicles don’t have a long service life, and their resale is also very low.

2.     Loss of Image

Imagine a dirty and grimy truck trundling all over the country and breaking down time and again. There may be other ways of creating a negative brand image, but none would be as effective. Crushed bugs all over the body, chrome fixtures buried under layers of grit, and a muddy undercarriage would hardly inspire confidence in the minds of your target audience.

Since visual cues are our primary means of collecting and processing data, a brand logo that can’t be seen under all that dirt would automatically decrease in value. You would lose both your real and actual customers and thereby lose valuable funds trying to win them back via expensive marketing campaigns.

3.     High Employee Turnover Rate

The best drivers and other crew members prefer to work with companies that take care of both their human and mechanical assets alike. If the drivers have to remove the flyspecks from their windows and windshields, or clean the engine bay and the vehicle itself, they won’t have time to do their job.

If you don’t have well-trained and experienced drivers, your delivery schedules might be affected. Add to that the constant threat of accidents and the attendant insurance costs.

You can easily avoid all of the above scenarios if you simply have your fleet washed regularly. Sparkle Wash Central Indiana can do the job quickly and effectively without disrupting your daily schedule. Let us know if you are interested in fleet washing Indianapolis, IN. We are always available for a demo wash.